
Many Networking Opportunities

Members are invited to participate in any area of interest.

Get Involved

Get more out of your membership by participating at the Committee level.

The American Brush Manufacturers Association offers many opportunities to get involved at a granular level in things you care about and in ways that you can make a difference. We encourage our members to fully participate and network with peers.


You might gain a connection with someone who you need the services of and just not know it yet! I have found several times that I am looking for something for a segment of my business, and I have successfully tapped those resources.


Kristin Draper - Draper Knitting

Wealth of Information

No brush maker has to join ABMA, but then you don't have to turn your headlights on to drive at night either. All of this and the association with some of the nicest people in the world at some of the most fun places to visit.

Wealth of Information

John Cottam - Industrial Brush Corporation

ABMA Committees

Select a tab below for a brief overview of each Committee’s Mission: